Kaffee kauft man nicht mal schnell beim Hofladen im Ort. Der Rohstoff wächst tausende Kilometer entfernt. Und ebenso fern wie diese Länder sind, sind auch oft die dazugehörigen Kulturen und Praktiken. Wir sind froh uns in vielen Fällen auf zuverlässige Partner verlassen zu können, die den Einkauf unserer Grünen Bohnen für uns organisieren. In der Vergangenheit haben wir Kaffeeländer bereist und Bauern vorort kennen gelernt. Aus manchen dieser Begegnungen sind langandauernde Beziehungen geworden – aus anderen nicht. Auch wir lagen am Beginn unserer unternehmerischen Reise dem Mythos auf, dass Ziel sollte sein, unseren gesamten Kaffee direkt von Bauern zu kaufen – ohne Mittelsmänner. Dann lernten wir die „Mittelsmänner“ kennen. Nordic Approach, Trabocca, Interamerican, Latorre and Dutch, Galeras Coffee und Meet los Amigos – um einige zu nennen. Große und kleine Kaffeeimporteure, die mit unterschiedlichen Ausrichtungen eine gute Vermittlungsarbeit leisten und uns unser Leben erleichtern. Sie kennen die Produzenten, sie kennen die Produkte, sie kennen die Praktiken. Wir profitieren extrem von ihrer Expertise. Mit Christina und Markos von Meet los Amigos verbindet uns mittlerweile eine über 4 jährige Partnerschaft. Sie betreuen 9 Farmen in Guatemala, welche wir während unserer letzten Kaffeereise 2018 besucht haben.

Markos Fischer (am Bild) von Los Amigos, Guatemala:
Hola, my name is Markos Fischer and I‘m the co-founder of Meet Los Amigos. We are a Green coffee importer based in Germany and Guatemala. Our friends and clients from 220GRAD kindly asked me to give you an introduction about what we do as green coffee importers.
Our work consists of several things, working directly with coffee producers and their farms as well as making sure that the retraceability of the coffees are in order. What do I mean by that? We believe that in order to deliver a high quality product, it is vital to have a relationship directly with it. Nowadays we as consumers are quite seperated from the products we consum and we have became disconnected in a way to nature. My aim is to help closing that gap between coffee producers and consumers. That‘s why it is so important to work close to the people that produce the coffee and to share all this experience with our clients. In this way, you the end client, can rely on your favorite coffee shop/roas-
tery to really know about the conditions your coffee is produced in.
Im currently living full time in Antigua Guatemala and I have the chance to be closer to our producer partners. Making sure that the coffee that you drink, in this case the one from 220GRAD, arrives in the best and desired conditions.
Also I would like to share with you some insights about our relationship with the 220GRAD team. Margret and Alois joined me 2018 to Guatemala and we went to visit Francisco Quezada and his farm La Labor. For us thats victory to see our clients meeting the origin of their coffee and the people behind. It has been already 4 years since we started working together and we are deeply grateful for their trust and support. In my idealistic mindset, I believe we can create so much benefit to so many
beings through coffee!

So thank you 220GRAD team for being part of our journey and especially thanks to Margret , Alois, Katharina and Lukas. And of course you, for taking the time to understand more about your
coffee and to enjoy the beautiful taste of our Guatemalan coffee!
All the best from all our team!
